The John G. Zimmerman Archive houses several hundred thousand pieces of film as well as proofs, prints, assignment records, correspondence, business documents and multimedia. We draw on this wealth of material periodically to highlight different aspects of the photographer’s career for ARCHIVE visitors.
An Introduction to John G. Zimmerman
This five minute video features Brian Taylor, Director of the Center for Photographic Art and curator of “John G. Zimmerman: America in Black and White.” Taylor introduces Zimmerman’s work and discusses similarities between his early photos and the iconic images of Diane Arbus, Robert Frank and Dorthea Lange.
Major Themes in John G. Zimmerman’s Photography
This ten minute video features Dr. Arne De Winde discussing major themes in Zimmerman’s work and was taped at the Center for Photographic Art on May 26, 2018. De Winde is co-editor of “America in Black and White: Selected Photographs of John G. Zimmerman” (Hannibal 2016) and co-curated “One More Take,” a Zimmerman retrospective in Belgium. He is a lecturer and researcher at LUCA – School of Arts & PXL-MAD School of Arts, Univ. of Leuven, Belgium.
Flashback: 1968 Grenoble Olympics
In this 2 ½ minute video, Neil Leifer, a consummate storyteller as well as a great sports photographer, remembers covering the Olympic downhill with Zimmerman. Video includes rare 16 mm footage of Olympic practice runs filmed by Zimmerman.